Frequently asked questions

Most claims are completed within 6-12 weeks. During busy times, or for complex claims, it may take up to 16 weeks. Remember, Phillipson Hardwick Advisory only get paid when you get your refund. So, we continue to liaise with HMRC after we have submitted your claim, to ensure we get back every penny you are owed as soon as possible.

You can claim a tax rebate for the last four years. The current cut off is 5th April 2018.

We work on a no win, no fee basis. It is completely free to submit a claim. If we are successful in recovering a tax refund for you, we will charge a total fee of 48% (including VAT where applicable) of the tax refund we obtain for you. Where the rebate does not cover our minimum fee of £10.00 (including VAT where applicable), we will retain the full value of the refund and there will be no additional charges for you to pay.

No. HMRC does not endorse or affiliate itself with ANY private company. We are a private tax agency, which specialises in tax reclaim services.

No, you can apply for a tax refund yourself if you want to. However, this can be a daunting process sometimes and Phillipson Hardwick Advisory has experience helping customers get their tax back. We can help you every step of the way.

You have a cooling-off period of 14-days from the date you signed your agreement, during which you may cancel your claim at no charge.